
maybe you can believe me, but I'm shy, to sickness... It's pretty hard to me to opening my arms to a stranger, and it's surely for that reason that I prefer animals. I know, on this blog, you see me smiling and half naked, but it's my personal world, this Pearline, this is the brave part of me, and of course, in the real life, I'm very shy. Can some of you know how to fight this sickness?


Sutheira said...

shyness is not a sickness my sweet, it's only a part of you, and it's charming!

Anonymous said...

my beloved wife is also a mix between a hotty girl without shame for her sexy phot and a very strong shyness, but I never think of that like a disease!

Anonymous said...

shyness is not a sickness and for many girls, it's only a charm'weapon!


don't worry about shyness sweetheart! it's a thning who disappear with age!

Anonymous said...

la timidité c'est vraiment rien, c'est l'arme des filles trop sex.

Kasa said...

you're not so shy my friend!